If your business is medium-sized, and you are in a dilemma about whether to integrate business intelligence solutions, then you are at the right place.    

In this blog, you can witness what challenges a small-sized business faces and how with the integration of Business Intelligence they can enjoy scalability, growth and draw better insights. Irrespective of the size of the businesses, today every business wants to draw insights from the data to optimize their operation.   

Let’s witness what challenges SMEs were facing before integrating BI and how they can overcome those challenges with robust BI Solutions.

Major Obstacles SMEs face before BI Integration-  

  • Delayed decision-making due to limited data visibility Businesses were using hit-and-trial methods and decisions were taken based on intuition rather than adopting robust technology.    
  • Incurring losses due to inaccurate predictions It is significant to estimate which strategic move will be fruitful for business outcomes and will lead to an increase in profits in the long run.    
  • Challenging to identify current trends Businesses find it challenging to adapt to dynamic market trends due to the rough idea of customer preferences and trends.


Let’s discover how BI Integration can unlock the new doors of decision-making by identifying key performance indicators-  

  • Offering informed data insights Business Intelligence tools can analyze the data better and aid in decision-making, and businesses can move away from hit-and-trial methods.
  • Predictive Analysis With advanced algorithms, BI forecasts future possibilities and thus minimizes inaccuracies. Moreover, businesses can plan a strategic move based on predictive analysis and reduce the probability of losses.   
  • Adaptable to dynamic changes To stay ahead of the game and gain a competitive advantage, BI empowers businesses by understanding customer’s preferences by proactively adopting market trends.


Now that we’ve witnessed the obstacles that SMEs face before integrating Business Intelligence (BI), let’s bridge the gap and delve into what transformative benefits BI solutions can bring to medium-sized businesses in detail- 

Better Financial Performance Analysis

Business Intelligence solutions enable small and medium-sized enterprises to analyze their financial performance, including cash flows, expenses, profitability, and many more. SMEs with this amount of knowledge can identify potential financial risks and be proactively alert for potential losses.   

Overcoming Staffing Constraints

Small enterprises may have a lack of staff to fulfill all the operations due to limited budget. However, with cloud-based BI Solutions, the requirement for IT expertise is minimized. It facilitates SMEs to leverage advanced analytics without the need for a huge and dedicated IT team.  

Cost Efficient

Business Intelligence tools with the application of predictive analysis provide visibility into resource usage, allowing businesses to allocate their budget accordingly. Moreover, BI tools help in tracking the stock level more closely to avoid over and understocking. As a result, ensuring that businesses purchase the right amount of stock.   

Automate Reporting Processes

Generating reports manually is a time-consuming process and does not guarantee accuracy. This can affect decision-making and would lead to misleading results. On the other hand, BI solutions automate the reporting process backed up with a real-time dashboard. Thus, it makes sure that the stakeholders get access to information timely and with accuracy.

Final Words  

Business Intelligence for small businesses can be truly a game-changer and holds the power to revolutionize operations with efficiency. It can address humongous challenges encountered by SMEs by offering actionable insights. 

We at Canopus Infosystems have a team of professional experts who could help mitigate your enterprise’s hurdles with Business Intelligence solutions.   


2 mins read


Gaurav Goyal

He is the Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder at Canopus Infosystems Pvt Ltd. He completed his graduation in Computer Programming in 2003 and has experience in managing data science teams, quantitative research, and algorithmic trading. He’s a proven track record in specialties like robust statistics, machine learning, large data analytics... with excellence and delivered 500+ projects to 200+ clients with his teams.

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