The increasing pressure on companies to deliver quality software applications in a restricted amount of time is what IT companies encounter. To deliver projects promptly, companies are always on the lookout for ways that can help them in quick deployment of software, by boosting the efficiency of their teams. Traditional ways of delivering software often led to inefficiencies and delays in deployments due to a lack of collaboration.   

This is where the need for DevOps was recognized! 

DevOps overcomes the challenge by breaking down silos, boosting collaboration, and shortening the software development cycle. It is a productive way of developing software and getting it delivered promptly and efficiently by combining both teams, software development(dev) and IT operations (Ops).   

Some of the many benefits derived from DevOps adoption are that it automates the manual process of testing and reduces the risk of errors and defects in software. Also, it considers user feedback and points developers to consider for the improvement of user feedback. This collaborative approach gives a shared vision of how an application should be designed by considering feedback. These practices help companies to release software faster and respond to ever-changing market demands.   

While DevOps can offer significant benefits on its own, integrating it with cloud solutions can enhance its capabilities, let’s witness how-

Offers Smooth Scalable Option

Cloud providers offer on-demand resources that can be scaled up and down based on the needs of the application. It implies that when the project grows, it becomes easy to add more features and extended opportunities when required. During peak software deployment, businesses can easily use the feature cloud bursting, which dynamically extends an on-premises data center’s capacity to a public cloud when there is a sudden rush in demand. It allows companies to quickly handle spikes in traffic.

Boosts Operational Efficiency

Software development and deployment is a time-consuming process, but with cloud integration companies can offload infrastructure management to cloud providers and thus DevOps team can work on higher-value tasks. This will ultimately lead to an increase in operational efficiency.

Lowers the Overall Cost

With cloud computing, there is no need to invest in physical hardware as the cloud offers a pay-as-you-go model where organizations pay only for the resources they use. Isn’t this a great cost-effective way! Instead, companies can use virtual servers, especially during workloads. Additionally, cloud platforms offer several automation tools that streamline DevOps processes and save the time and cost associated with performing the same task manually.

Better Quality Control

Cloud-based Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines automate and streamline the testing and deployment processes, ensuring that quality-tested codes are deployed to production. Teams can promptly identify and solve the issues with robust cloud-based monitoring and logging capabilities.

Offers Great Flexibility

With cloud computing, DevOps teams have the flexibility to experiment with innovative new ideas and iterate on their applications without generating significant upfront costs. Cloud providers offer additional deployment options such as virtual machines and serverless computing, from which the DevOps team can choose the most suitable deployment model as per their application requirements.

Summing Up

To ensure a true continuous delivery pipeline, integrating Cloud DevOps helps in removing the workflow siloes and letting businesses manage the software delivery cycle. Although DevOps can also be continued without a cloud, however, it may fall behind in a few areas such as applications cannot be dynamically scaled up easily as in the cloud when required, cloud-bursting and better-quality control cannot be achieved conveniently.  

We at Canopus Infosystems, have a team of experts who ensure the adoption of cloud DevOps best practices to streamline your application development and deployment processes. We will access your IT infrastructure and suggest how our DevOps consulting and software solutions can help you.


3 mins read


Mustafa Murabbi

He is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Canopus Infosystems Pvt Ltd. He started his journey in the industry as an intern rising through the ranks to be a part of leadership groups for 8 years and experiencing the corporate cultures of the West. He started his entrepreneurial journey as a 1st gen entrepreneur and kept achieving all his milestones by following the simple mantra of 'Customer First'.

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